Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Vertical Buildings

These two small paintings in progress are both finished pieces in their own right and studies for future paintings.

I am interested in the idea of perspective and using it at a street level looking up so as to give a sense of alienation. Figures will be distorted, and with one person on a separate perspective to add to the sense of disorientation. The paintings are also studies for future paintings in that I would love to produce them on a much larger scale, say a metre by 80 cm or bigger still and on copper or steel. In that way the perspective would have a greater effect and the metal would act as a ultra smooth surface for me to play with subtle textures on.


A work in progress I started in Wells, Somerset. Someone commented that it looked like a Munch painting, this happened quite by accident as I was painting this completely free hand with no particular thoughts as to style rather simply the composition of figure in foreground leading to the stand of trees above.

Cheddar Gorge

Some more works in progress, I am working on a whole load at once at the moment. Nothing to radical here.. This work was inspired by going to Cheddar Gorge. The cliffs were amazing and I took inspiration from the woods which clung to the steep hills. The boulders and rocks were covered in moss and thin scraggly branches of trees.

Forest In Progress

A few blogies ago I posted a picture of a finished painting of a forest, it was inspired by the time I spent in Cornwall and in Wells were it was finished. I am currently working on a second one started in Wells and inspired by the forests around there.
These are a couple of images of how its going, I am trying to get the sense of light and dark. The psychological feeling of being in the forest is important to me too.