Hello! Sorry for the long absence between posts, between moving flat, working full time and getting logistics ready for our 12 months traveling it has been difficult to do much painting! Despite my excuses I have been working on a few paintings, 3 of which aren't far on enough to warrant being posted on here just yet..
It's always interesting I think to look at your/other paintings in progress, for example I saw a painting at the recent 'Spain' exhibition in the Nat Gallery Edinburgh (whose title escapes me) which I thought looked very good (if not better!) for not being finished. It was also very interesting in a historical sense as you could see how the artist built up the layers of the painting.

Here's a work in progress, probably 80% finished. Very precise percentage I know but thats how I roll..
The painting is part of a series I am doing on forests, a subject that I have always loved. I think I share Max Ernsts interest in the forest, their enchantment and the strong sense of place that I feel from them.
With this painting I am interested in trying to capture an idea of 'Night and Day' in the forest, one third bathed in sunlight the other two thirds in darkness. The idea came about from a couple of ideas, firstly my own experience investigating forests in Scotland and throughout Britain. The way in which the trees can create a sort of nighttime feel during the day under the canopy. It also came from fairytales, I was interested in the way stories throughout history have portrayed forest as being 'dark' and 'light'.
Another unfinished work, this one also looking at the forest. I am only just starting to build up the layers of trees in this one but I will again be looking at aspects of light in the forest.