Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The Tube

I can smell ammonia..
War on Terror Part 2

War on Terror



With Love From Me to You

Iraq War Series (part 3)
Iraq War Series (part 2)

Iraq War Series

Friday, 5 June 2009
The Whale Painting!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Hanging the Degree Show

Artists Statement
Artists Statement for June 2009 Degree Show
The effects that people have on our environment, and each other are the underlying themes that underpin my work. I am interested in the strata of society, how this is manifested, be it visually or in a more subtle manner and questioning it through a visual means. The human environment, that is to say one that humans have specifically and systematically sculpted, has been a particularly strong theme that permeates through my work. What interests me about these environments is both their psychological effect and the social/ideological issues that they establish as well as the layers of history they reflect.
The architecture of the 60s, modernism, brutalist and corporatist style interested me particularly; they are all examples of grand attempts to sculpt society for the better which haven’t always succeeded. The blurring of Civil Liberties in recent years has been a strong element in my works this year, influenced by my paintings based on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on the ‘War on Terror’
My works aim to convey the idea that the threat of terrorist attack, however vague or unsubstantiated is used as an excuse to remove the liberty of a minority of people, and how this inevitably leads to it being used on the majority of people. By juxtaposing a large, almost overwhelming painting of an ambiguous architectural space titled ‘The Tube’ against much smaller images suggesting the subtle everyday effects of the ‘War on Terror’ as well as its darker heart, the works try to convey the underlying issues which I want the viewer to think about.