Here are some old artworks I have made over the past few years and given to my parents. I was interested how they had been framed and how this had really made some of the pictures into something quite different. I have never really thought about framing, it always seemed a little fuddy duddy to me, it does however make some things I have done (particularly the ones rough around the edges which with some older things I have done is most...) look a lot better.

Hard Ground etching on Hannemule paper. Early 2008 I think.. The date's on the back under framing! I like the colour of the frame matched the ink used in the print. It's of a forest near where my parents stay in Cornwall called Tehidy Wood. It has some very unusual snake like coppiced trees growing there. I think this was the third print I ever made, it's interesting how your style changes.
Grandad (2007) a picture of my Grandad for my mum. The crazy colours above Grandads head perhaps a sign of something to come. Again it's interesting how as an artist your style and competence develops.
Forest path 2007. The technique I used to make this painting is one I have used on others in subtle areas and it's one I like. Without getting into unnecessary detail it involves paint and varnish.. There, no unnecessary details. The subject is a forest path near Dundee with sharp contrast between light and dark. I really like the framing, I picked it and never saw it after I left Cornwall that summer so last week was the first time I have seen it in over a year. I will definitely remember this method of framing for the future.
Ardnamurachan 2007. Acrylic on board. Done after visiting the place that year, very beautiful I remember it from when i went there first time.
In case you are worried I have given up my older subjects and interests for woodlands from recent posts, fear not! I always seemed to make these paintings of more 'natural' subjects over summer to augment my other painting interests. I suppose they are more personal, I don't think I have ever showed these in public. Regardless I have so many, so many, so many ideas most of which are ludicrous and massive which I plan to make once I have a studio/metal/cogs.....